I know it's been a while since I've last posted anything of significance. But since Canada Post pulled a UPS on me (knock very lightly on the door, ignore doorbell), I won't have my Diablo 3 CE until tomorrow. Meaning I have all night to do shit.
First things first. Nobody's asked for it, but I'll throw it out there anyways. If you want to change your forum name, send me a PM with your desired name. I will update it when I have a chance tonight. You will be prompted to login to the forums again, but that's just to set the new cookie.
Secondly, I'm going to re-organize the forums tonight. Tomorrow, things will be much more condensed but better organized (I hope!).
What's going away?
Any section that hasn't been touched since December 31, 2011.
This means the following sections will be disapearing:
* Auction House
* General Archives
* Webstats
* Roles (was a stupid idea in the first place)
* Possibly class-specific section
* All of "Not Quite WOW" (some exceptions apply)
* BC and Cataclysm archives
What's changing?
* General section is being condensed to: News, Applications, Taverns, Lore (because fuck RP, amirite?)
* The "Raiding" section is being changed to "WOW" - PvP, UI, AH, DKP, Signups, Roles (maybe)
* "Not Quite WOW" is changing to "Everything Else" - Diablo 3 (with subs), SWTOR (anyone still playing?), Starcraft, Other
No posts are being deleted, they're simply being moved and hidden so that only the chosen ones (me and Orion, basically) can see them.
In the somewhat near future, there are plans to...
* Fix the wowhead tooltips
* New themes/templates (MoP-based, HS Classic)
* Other new and exciting things
These have been put to the back-burner due to my fucked up schedule (5pm to 1am, wot) and not having free time while at work to tinker. If there's anything you guys want to see updated, improved, fixed, let me know.
EDIT: Oops, forgot to de-globalize this. Everything I wanted to get done has been done.

Fuck yeah, ponies.