The State of The Funk - Rebirth
- confussion
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Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
i forgot you had a stick guy too
- Fiddlesnarf
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Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
Edit: It still seems there is even more animosity than I thought, I don't think there are very many choices for me at this point, nothing that I can say or do seems to appease those after me. Unless some things change, it looks like I may have to eave House Sole. Like I said, it is the last thing I want to do and I would no longer play this game without being in this guild.
I feel trapped and like I'm being run out of town as it were and nothing I can do will make things better it seems.
I feel trapped and like I'm being run out of town as it were and nothing I can do will make things better it seems.
Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
Fiddlesnarf wrote:Edit: It still seems there is even more animosity than I thought, I don't think there are very many choices for me at this point, nothing that I can say or do seems to appease those after me. Unless some things change, it looks like I may have to eave House Sole. Like I said, it is the last thing I want to do and I would no longer play this game without being in this guild.
I feel trapped and like I'm being run out of town as it were and nothing I can do will make things better it seems.
Fiddle you read too much into a question being answered, If I wanted you gone or thought you were a complete useless douche trust me it would be no secrete, ask Orion.
My post was just answering a responce to fens questions. Stop reading into it and don't attempt to use me as the poster boy for attack fiddle.

When WoW players get together in large groups, it’s called a raid. Because when you have no motor, people or communication skills, the best thing to do is glue yourself to 24 identical morons. Now that you have 25 mouths screaming different curses and 50 feet running in different directions, you have a perfect simulation of every birth defect and psychological disorder known to science, and are ready for a grand adventure!
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Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
Ah Fiddle, I been trying to think of something inspirational to say to cheer ya up and what not, but I think everything you need to know can be summed up with this.....
Don't ever apologize for who you are man, people make mistakes...big deal. If they can't move past something that happened in a goddamn video game to hell with 'em. In short ( part of this applies to that jackass Fen and the #1 douchebag Kraken ) your an proud of it...those who can't deal with that well forget them, anyone who truely considers you a friend will accept you good and bad.
Don't ever apologize for who you are man, people make mistakes...big deal. If they can't move past something that happened in a goddamn video game to hell with 'em. In short ( part of this applies to that jackass Fen and the #1 douchebag Kraken ) your an proud of it...those who can't deal with that well forget them, anyone who truely considers you a friend will accept you good and bad.

- Kurtisisabum
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Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
I for what ever reason don't exactly feel I should be posting here not fully sure to why I feel that, maybe cause I'm not one of the senior member but damnit I've been here for roughly a year and a half sure it may be 1/4 of the time some have been here and for others it's more then x3 as long but either way, I came from a very low populated guild. small, but a close knit group of strangers trying to play the best distraction concived by human kind.
But even befor that I started playing this a short time after my mother had passed I also grew in to this distraction when even more of my family members started droping the following months for 1/4 of a year :\ my sister moving away and so I pretty much had a 2story house to me and my father who's working most of the time
so alone is the summery for this.
Now forwarding a bit I've been playing for a while now and I met rord (go ahead hiss at the name idc) and we became friends but with dwarven mafia broke up he went straight in to HS while I had a friend hayward take me in to diesel where i spent a good bit of pre wrath and leveling wrath... it never felt though as if I was part of it as what it felt like with my frist guild.
fast forward again and then you got me finaly saying sure why not to rord and making an app for HS when I got accepted in I hardly spoke to anyone kept to my self on vent. then I started raiding thats where I started getting more comfortable with everyone started talking more then probaly thats where most of the people who have me muted, muted me. But none-the-less, I started making more friends and I started getting that family feeling and you know what I still had it even when I got in to arguments with people in the guild, lost rord to his shenaniganization and removed from guild ... and vent, and losing some hard mode achievement for the 25m in ulduar.
I still felt like I belonged here I feel at home.
Now unknown to most of you I did have a Girlfriend it would have been roughly 3 years we had been together past May and unknown to even fewer of you the reason I took a break oct-nov was because we got pregnant. we were still going to school she was majoring in her culinary arts and me in my engineering we had a nice appartment and were preparing to raise a child. I loved her honestly still do. but fate had a diffrent twist he wanted to throw. Around march-april she had a miscarrige and past away with my unborn baby girl. that was not a good time for me and I'm happy you guys all didnt have to go through with it with me. angel pip and mordul were the few that knew from here.
I didnt even want to get time for the game but Angel gave me one and insisted I started playing again. so well I did and it was great because I got most of my mind off the recent lost and I was able to play with everyone again ( along with some new faces) but that contentment wouldnt last too long because sence angel was helping me through this, she was in our vent talking to me and playing with me but , sence she wasnt in our guild anymore she was removed from vent .. permanetly and I was told to go cyber with her some where else, and it's not a public server ... I would have blown a gasket but I didn't. I didn't want to add anymore heat to the smoldering bridge. even though I was greving , and one of the few people that was helping me was booted from here forever. I pretty much wanted to come back and play with my patchwerk of a family I call HS I can honestly say if it wern't for this I would have lost most of my remaning marbles.
and that all of that^^^ is why I will forever be a sole member come hell or bilge water this mixed mached group of humans of diffrent walks of life have given me a place to call a home see its not the game that holds us together it's the connections and memories we make with the others we play it with that makes this damn thing so addicting but either way im proud to make my home with sole and its statures.
now tardicus ugh never liked the guy for his lack of common courtesy the caps were very anoyying and he never cared for who he upset that normaly wedges a thorn in my side that is hard to remove if it were up to me I would just have him g muted in the game done and done but what can you do.
now the 2nd thing I wanted to mention was the "like-mindedness and beliefs" of the officers to me and this is just my way of thinking if you have a group of ten people determining the fate of a situation it is a horrible thing to have 8/10 members of the group to think the same way and look at it from the same angle I think the best way to have it would be a mixture of many view points of one situation. over specialize and you breed in weakness. over all im not trying to say you should run your ship like this but its a nice to look at it in a diffrent way from time to time
and last but by no means least i intend to be a "brother" to even my most disliked guild members cause you have hepled formed HS as much as my favorite members. fiddle I like you, you have never been really nasty to me or my friends so you're good in my book :3
THERE! DONE! guts spilled, opinions spewed across the table pick at it as much as a carrion bird would pick at a dead buffalo all i know is that I needed to say this some where and may as well be in the house sole reform thread
But even befor that I started playing this a short time after my mother had passed I also grew in to this distraction when even more of my family members started droping the following months for 1/4 of a year :\ my sister moving away and so I pretty much had a 2story house to me and my father who's working most of the time
so alone is the summery for this.
Now forwarding a bit I've been playing for a while now and I met rord (go ahead hiss at the name idc) and we became friends but with dwarven mafia broke up he went straight in to HS while I had a friend hayward take me in to diesel where i spent a good bit of pre wrath and leveling wrath... it never felt though as if I was part of it as what it felt like with my frist guild.
fast forward again and then you got me finaly saying sure why not to rord and making an app for HS when I got accepted in I hardly spoke to anyone kept to my self on vent. then I started raiding thats where I started getting more comfortable with everyone started talking more then probaly thats where most of the people who have me muted, muted me. But none-the-less, I started making more friends and I started getting that family feeling and you know what I still had it even when I got in to arguments with people in the guild, lost rord to his shenaniganization and removed from guild ... and vent, and losing some hard mode achievement for the 25m in ulduar.
I still felt like I belonged here I feel at home.
Now unknown to most of you I did have a Girlfriend it would have been roughly 3 years we had been together past May and unknown to even fewer of you the reason I took a break oct-nov was because we got pregnant. we were still going to school she was majoring in her culinary arts and me in my engineering we had a nice appartment and were preparing to raise a child. I loved her honestly still do. but fate had a diffrent twist he wanted to throw. Around march-april she had a miscarrige and past away with my unborn baby girl. that was not a good time for me and I'm happy you guys all didnt have to go through with it with me. angel pip and mordul were the few that knew from here.
I didnt even want to get time for the game but Angel gave me one and insisted I started playing again. so well I did and it was great because I got most of my mind off the recent lost and I was able to play with everyone again ( along with some new faces) but that contentment wouldnt last too long because sence angel was helping me through this, she was in our vent talking to me and playing with me but , sence she wasnt in our guild anymore she was removed from vent .. permanetly and I was told to go cyber with her some where else, and it's not a public server ... I would have blown a gasket but I didn't. I didn't want to add anymore heat to the smoldering bridge. even though I was greving , and one of the few people that was helping me was booted from here forever. I pretty much wanted to come back and play with my patchwerk of a family I call HS I can honestly say if it wern't for this I would have lost most of my remaning marbles.
and that all of that^^^ is why I will forever be a sole member come hell or bilge water this mixed mached group of humans of diffrent walks of life have given me a place to call a home see its not the game that holds us together it's the connections and memories we make with the others we play it with that makes this damn thing so addicting but either way im proud to make my home with sole and its statures.
now tardicus ugh never liked the guy for his lack of common courtesy the caps were very anoyying and he never cared for who he upset that normaly wedges a thorn in my side that is hard to remove if it were up to me I would just have him g muted in the game done and done but what can you do.
now the 2nd thing I wanted to mention was the "like-mindedness and beliefs" of the officers to me and this is just my way of thinking if you have a group of ten people determining the fate of a situation it is a horrible thing to have 8/10 members of the group to think the same way and look at it from the same angle I think the best way to have it would be a mixture of many view points of one situation. over specialize and you breed in weakness. over all im not trying to say you should run your ship like this but its a nice to look at it in a diffrent way from time to time
and last but by no means least i intend to be a "brother" to even my most disliked guild members cause you have hepled formed HS as much as my favorite members. fiddle I like you, you have never been really nasty to me or my friends so you're good in my book :3
THERE! DONE! guts spilled, opinions spewed across the table pick at it as much as a carrion bird would pick at a dead buffalo all i know is that I needed to say this some where and may as well be in the house sole reform thread

- Fiddlesnarf
- Posts: 962
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Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
Just read that Padagne. Gotta say, you are the definition of a perfect guild member, and a friend. You're a very strong person and an inspiration, I'll pray for you.
TBH I never agreed with the whole Angel situation, she is a nice person for the most part and I didn't have a problem with her. Angel's worst qualities were that she was a bit annoying and distracting.
Regardless, I and the rest of House Sole are proud to house you. I'd say more, but I know I'll get enough flak for being a softy.
TBH I never agreed with the whole Angel situation, she is a nice person for the most part and I didn't have a problem with her. Angel's worst qualities were that she was a bit annoying and distracting.
Regardless, I and the rest of House Sole are proud to house you. I'd say more, but I know I'll get enough flak for being a softy.
- Brad
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Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
So just as a question, what exactly went down? I haven't been to this site in awhile, since I upgraded my computer and lost my bookmarks.
- Dryness
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Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
People who were here, are no longer here.
There was a difference of opinions between the way some members felt they were treated, and a perceived level of favourtism/elitism far beyond reality for the officers/successful 10-man group members.
Needless to say, what's done is done. Everyone got what was nagging them off their chests, and we're a better group of friends for it.
There was a difference of opinions between the way some members felt they were treated, and a perceived level of favourtism/elitism far beyond reality for the officers/successful 10-man group members.
Needless to say, what's done is done. Everyone got what was nagging them off their chests, and we're a better group of friends for it.
- Brad
- Posts: 922
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Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
Ah, I see.
Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
wait wait you need a bookmark to remember this site?Brad wrote:So just as a question, what exactly went down? I haven't been to this site in awhile, since I upgraded my computer and lost my bookmarks.
Grib while talking in vent about angels pictures "My friends this is where boners come from!" "although if i was going to date her id have to break up with my hand." "i guarantee within the next 5 years i will bang her."
- phoenix0789
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Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
who uses bookmarks? chrome ftw
- Brad
- Posts: 922
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- Character Name(s): Annarinden, Bradsole, Apollos, Deathnoob
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- Location: That one place!
Re: The State of The Funk - Rebirth
I use crome now, but I just forgot about the site. Now I got it pinned, so I'll never forget!